– an energetic field of fragrance, light and joyfulness

through the natural healing power of precious plant oils we enhance the highest quality of life in balance with nature and humankind


"Our life-long pursuit as co-founders of PRIMAVERA is our dedication to responsibly develop, sustainably produce and ethically cultivate pristine-quality in our natural products that better connect us with nature.

All of our decisions are based on the belief that pure, uncompromised nature is the source of perfect balance and harmony. Thus PRIMAVERA continuously treats our earth’s resources with great care and respect.

Ute Leube & Kurt Ludwig Nübling

Our Guiding


  1. All our decisions are based on conscious and respectful contact with the environment, nature and humankind.
  2. Meeting the needs of our customers is our continuous motivation. We encounter them with appreciation and warm-heartedness, placing great value in our competent guidance.
  3. With our mindfully produced products we intend to contribute to more joyfulness in the lives of our customers. Our products are designed to inspire a wholesome lifestyle.
  4. We pledge to only sell products of the highest possible quality and purity. The continuous initiation and active development of ecological cultivation projects and fair trade practice has been an affair of our hearts since the very beginning.
  5. We are committed to share our profound, well-grounded and vibrant wealth of knowledge amongst each other and with all our business partners.
  6. PRIMAVERA is sustained by the identification and passion of its employees, who we support through an extraordinary working environment.
  7. Our internal and external partnerships are based on transparent and fair business arrangements and contracts.
  8. We strive to meet the growing challenges as a team with foresight, courage and a solution-oriented approach.
  9. We perpetually strive to make mutual trust and respect the core requirements of manifesting our company’s philosophy and business goals.
Our Love for

Nature & Humankind